Making mobility easier
HTG was founded in 2004. Just four years later in 2008, more than 50,000 electric and manual ramps from HTG were making mobility easier for people all around the world. In the following years, we launched innovative systems such as EXEO II and III as well as the electric ramps SKADI and IL Standard II.
HTG belongs to the HÜBNER Group, a global system supplier for the mobility sector and the worldwide leader in the field of gangway systems for buses and rail vehicles. In addition to its headquarters in Kassel, Germany, the family-owned company has established more than 30 locations around the world in the preceding years. HÜBNER currently employs 3,500 persons worldwide.
Milestones in the
history of the company
- 2004: Founding of HÜBNER Transportation GmbH and start of production of ramps and lifts.
- 2005: Expansion of product range with the EXEO lift Market launch of HK Light & IL Compact.
- 2009: Market launch of EXEO II.
- 2011: Market launch of the electric ramp SKADI®.
- 2012: Market launch of EXEO III.
- 2013: Market launch of the electric ramp IL Standard II.
- 2016: Development of the inclined lift.
- 2017: Development of EXEO light.
- 2018: Market launch of the double ramp.
- 2019: Market launch of EXEO 400,
Market launch of EXEO II. - 2020: Production of manual ramps and lifts started in Turkey,
Market launch of the Flip Ramp for the US market. - 2021: Market launch of EXEO 450.