Issued by
HÜBNER Transportation GmbH
Wilhelmine-Reichard-Str. 4
34123 Kassel, Germany
Tel. +49 561 998-0
Fax +49 561 998-2080
Commercial Register municipal court Kassel, HRB 13534
Sales tax-ID-No. DE 814 107 441
Authorized representatives
Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Bittroff
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Sahr
Machbar GmbH, Kassel,
Liability notice
The free information presented on this website is for your information purposes only. We assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information provided. No claims pertaining to the disclosure of information, to recommendations or consultation may be derived from its provision. Any liability for damages is generally excluded, unless we are deemed responsible for intent or gross negligence.
We reserve the right to amend, supplement or delete the web pages at any time.
Any and all links from our pages to external websites did not reveal any illicit content that was recognizable by us at the time of linking. However, we have no influence on these external Internet contents and hereby expressly distance ourselves from said contents made available there. In particular, we cannot guarantee that other websites linked thereto contain strictly unobjectionable content from a legal perspective, nor can we guarantee that said linked website has not been subsequently changed in what is a legally unobjectionable manner.
The brand names mentioned on the pages are not marked as such on our web pages in every case. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that these are nevertheless subject to the rules of trademark law.
The texts, programs and graphics, as well as the audio and video files created by us, are subject to our right of use and exploitation and may only be reproduced or distributed with our consent.
The input of personal data by the user is done so on a voluntary basis and is not a prerequisite for the use of our (tele-)media services on offer. In accordance with Section 33 German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), we would like to point out that certain data offered by the user will be stored and processed for our further use.
Should individual clauses of this liability notice not (or no longer) comply with the pertinent statutory provisions, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses.